Monday, July 19, 2010

kiwi kiwi kiwiii ~ and DESPICABLE ME!

I am so happy that kiwi started to feel more comfortable being around me and ben!
She no longer hides under the couch or gets scared off by our footsteps
Last night, she even followed me to the bedroom and lied down besides me XD!!
So yesterday, we bought her a new toy and some other stuff she needs.


It is a tail toy with fluffy feather thingy and pom poms at the end!
and some more pics....

: O??


and..ben and I went to watch DESPICABLE ME! finally! haha
such a cute movie : ) didnt disappoint me at all!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

new family :D

On July 15th, 2010, Kiwi the Kitty became my new family : )

actually, I have never thought that I would get a kitten in my life
but look at her,
who would not want such an adorable baby like this?!!

She's 8 weeks old, still so tiny and fragile.
I have never had a pet before, so everything is so new to me!


but i have a good feeling that we are going to be one happy family : D

i love you kiwi!